(306) 343-8235 businessregistry@mns.ca

Sask Métis Business Directory

Your opportunity to work with Saskatchewan’s most desirable companies!

Changes Wellness

An online women’s wellness community providing accountability, support, and connection for meeting your personal lifestyle goals.


As a woman, deciding to put yourself and your health first is a difficult decision. Changes Wellness is there to help you take those first steps towards permanent results, together. As a Nutrition Coach
and a Personal Training Specialist I specialize in assessing your current lifestyle and finding areas in which you can make incremental changes to meet your goals for the long term. Our accountability group, Changes: A Wellness Community gives you the support you need to keep those changes going!


What We Do 

Hi there, I’m Tamara and I will be your Changes Wellness Coach! As a busy Mom of 4 young kids I know how hard it is to make your wellness a priority and I know from experience that it all has to start with tiny, positive steps that can lead to PERMANENT changes in your life. As a Precision Nutrition trained nutrition coach and a Personal Training Specialist I can help you assess what you are already doing, show you the areas that you are already rocking, and guide you in tweaking the areas that need improvement. Change takes time, compassion with yourself, and positivity and I know you have it in you to succeed!


Email: tamara@changeswellness.ca

Address: Saskatoon

NAICS code: 812190

The SaskMétis Business Directory aims to ensure that more Métis businesses can participate in the Saskatchewan supply chain and will allow for increased engagement between members of the Métis Business community.